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필름카메라 3.Canon sure shot zoom XL

by HJC 2012. 7. 23.








막내 캐논.

이 카메라는 내가 1989년 시애틀에서 구입한 것이다.

그 당시에는 신개념 카메라라고 선전하던 이 카메라의 자동 줌이 얼마나 신기하던지...


많은 이들이 카메라 보다는 동영상의 유혹에 빠져들 때 였다고 기억된다.

신기한 리모콘 조차도 그저 한 두번 탁자에 세워두고 소파로 달려가 앉아 찍어 봤을 뿐이던....

지금껏 내 장롱 안에서 숨쉬던 이 막내는 나무랄 곳 없이 깨끗해서 바로 사용해도 된다는 체크도 받았다.


Canon Sure Shot Zoom XL

The Canon Sure Shot Zoom XL was a high-end, well-made point and shoot, aimed at the prosumer market. Honestly, it's built like a tank compared to all the other members of the Sure Shot family I have experienced. When I first saw it, I thought it was an underwater camera, competing with the likes of the Nikon L35AW, but it's not waterproof. It feels like you're holding a small, well-made SLR with battery grip attached. It features a 39-85mm F3.6-7.3 zoom lens, that while on the slow side, is reportedly a very high quality lens with sharpness on par with an interchangeable Canon FD lens. There's a remote that is stored in a slot on the bottom of the camera, and when you remove it, the camera automatically goes into 'remote mode'. I'm still investigating all the features, and will report back when I know more.